Annual Accounts

Annual Accounts & Reports provide the year-end summary of the company’s financial status. We prepare and send Annual Accounts & Reports to:

  • PAll shareholders
  • PPeople who can go to the company’s general meetings
  • PCompanies House
  • PHM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as part of your Company Tax Return

OAS deploy project management strategies and quality control procedures to make sure that your Annual Accounts and Reports are prepared on a timely basis with an enormous emphasis on superior quality. We also make sure that your reports are sent to the relevant authorities to avoid penalties or legal action. We help your company stay ahead of due dates and jurisdictional requirements.


Good bookkeeping is the foundation of good business.

At OAS, we understand the importance of excellent bookkeeping. Not only is it vital for the healthy running of your business, it might also save you money (accountants generally charge more if your books are kept badly) – so it makes both common and fiscal sense to get your bookkeeping right first time.